
Effects of substituing chemical nitrogen by organic nitrogen on nitrogen uptake and utilization of maize and soil nitrogen leaching

  • 摘要: 有机肥替代化肥是实现化肥减量增效与控制农田污染的一项重要措施。本文探究了玉米产量、氮素吸收利用效率和土壤氮素淋失对不同比例有机肥等氮替代化肥的响应, 以期为宁夏引黄灌区玉米氮素高效利用及农业面源污染防控提供科学依据。于2022—2023年在宁夏永宁国家气象站开展大田试验, 采用完全随机区组试验设计, 以当地常规施氮量(270 kg·hm−2)为基础, 布设5个施肥处理, 分别为100%化肥(T1)、2/3化肥+1/3有机肥(T2)、1/3化肥+2/3有机肥(T3)、100%有机肥(T4)和空白对照(CK), 分析了玉米产量、氮素吸收量、氮素转运和利用效率及土壤氮素淋失量。结果表明: T2处理玉米产量和成熟期植株地上部吸氮量均最高, 相较于CK和T1, 玉米产量两年平均提高73.42%和3.67%, 成熟期地上部吸氮量两年平均提高97.09%和9.98%。其次, T2处理玉米营养器官花前积累氮转运量、氮转运率、氮转运对籽粒贡献率及花后氮素同化量两年平均较CK分别显著提高171.18%、19.67%、36.89%和72.17%, 较T1分别显著提高24.36%、6.74%、12.94%和3.55%, T2处理玉米氮素表观回收利用率、氮肥农学效率及氮肥偏生产力两年均值较T1处理分别显著提高22.58%、9.17%和3.67%, 而各处理玉米氮素收获指数两年间无显著差异。此外, T2处理淋失液中总氮、硝态氮和铵态氮浓度均相对较低, 两年玉米生长季内总氮、硝态氮和铵态氮淋失量和淋失系数均值较T1分别降低24.56%、25.29%、23.70%和37.95%、39.44%、26.83%。相关性分析表明, 玉米氮素养分吸收、转运和利用等指标与产量呈正相关关系, 而氮素淋失量和氮素收获指数与产量间相关性较低。回归分析结果显示, 产量曲线最高点所对应的有机肥替代比例下, 玉米存在较高的氮素吸收、转运和利用效率及较低的氮素淋失量。因此, 宁夏引黄灌区玉米种植最佳有机肥替代量均值为98.64 kg·hm−2 (36.53%有机肥替代化肥), 可提高玉米氮素高效利用, 减少农业面源污染。


    Abstract: The replacement of chemical fertilizers with organic fertilizers is an important technical measure for achieving fertilizer reduction and efficiency and for controlling soil pollution. In this study, we aimed to investigate the responses of maize yield, maize nitrogen uptake and use efficiency, and soil nitrogen leaching to different substituion ratios of chemical fertilizer with organic fertilizer. The main objective was to provide a scientific basis for the efficient use of maize nitrogen resources and for the prevention and control of agricultural non-point source pollution in the Yellow River Water Irrigation Area of Ningxia. To this end, we conducted field experiments in 2022 and 2023 at the National Meteorological Station of Yongning County, Ningxia. A completely randomized block experimental design was adopted based on the local conventional nitrogen application rate of 270 kg·hm−2. The fertilization treatments were as follows: 100% chemical fertilizer treatment (T1), 2/3 chemical fertilizer + 1/3 organic fertilizer treatment (T2), 1/3 chemical fertilizer + 2/3 organic fertilizer treatment (T3), 100% organic fertilizer treatment (T4), and the control treatment without fertilizer (CK). Soil nitrogen loss, maize yield, nitrogen uptake, nitrogen transport, and nitrogen use efficiency were analyzed. The results showed that maize yield and aboveground nitrogen uptake at maturity stage under T2 treatment were the highest. Based on 2-year average, maize yield under T2 treatment increased by 73.42% compared to that under CK treatment, while it increased by 3.67% compared to that under T1 treatment; aboveground nitrogen uptake at maturity stage under T2 treatment incrased by 97.09% compared to that under CK treatment, and it increased by 9.98% compared to that under T1 treatment. Additionally, translocation amount, translocation rate, contribution rate to grain nitrogen of nitrogen accumulated in vegetative organs pre-flowering, as well as nitrogen assimilation after anthesis under T2 treatment increased by 171.18%, 19.67%, 36.89%, and 72.17% compared to that under CK treatment, respectively, and 24.36%, 6.74%, 12.94%, and 3.55% compared to that under T1 treatment, respectively. The mean values of apparent recovery efficiency of nitrogen, agronomic use efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer, and partial factor productivity of nitrogen fertilizer under T2 treatment increased by 22.58%, 9.17%, and 3.67%, respectively, comopared to that under T1 treatment. However, there was no significant difference in nitrogen harvest index among different treatments in 2022 and 2023. In addition, the total nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, and ammonium nitrogen concentrations in the leachate under T2 treatment were relatively low. The total nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, and ammonium nitrogen leaching losses under T2 treatment decreased by 24.56%, 25.29%, and 23.70% compared to T1 treatment, respectively, and corresponding leaching coefficients decreased by 37.95%, 39.44%, and 26.83%, respectively. Indicators of maize nitrogen uptake, translocation, and utilization showed a significant positive correlation with maize yield. In the regression curves of maize yield versus organic fertilizer substitution ratio, maize yield with organic fertilizer substitution ratio at 36.53% was the highest, nitrogen uptake, translocation, and nitrogen use efficiency were also high, while nitrogen leaching was low. Therefore, the optimal organic fertilizer substitution ratio for maize production in the Yellow River Water Irrigation Area of Ningxia is 36.53% (98.64 kg·hm−2 organic fertilizer replacing chemical fertilizer), which supports the higher nitrogen use efficiency for maize and reduces agricultural non-point source pollution.


