
Effects of returning organic amendments to cropland on carbon stock of sweetpotato and soil respiration

  • 摘要: 探究不同类型有机物料还田对甘薯固碳效应及土壤呼吸的影响, 可为进一步研究薯田生态系统碳固存效应奠定基础。依托国家土壤质量徐州观测实验站内甘薯-小麦轮作体系的肥料长期定位试验, 选取甘薯季5个处理: 单施化肥(对照, CK)、化肥+全量秸秆还田(ST)、化肥+生物质炭(BC)、化肥+有机肥(OF)和化肥+绿肥还田(GF), 研究甘薯收获期产量、生物量及碳含量, 并估算净初级生产力(NPP), 分析土壤理化性质和碳组分, 监测土壤呼吸速率等。结果表明: 1)与CK处理相比, ST、BC、OF和GF处理均显著提高土壤有机碳(SOC)含量; ST和GF处理显著降低土壤溶解性有机碳(DOC)含量, 降幅分别为21.3%和25.2%; 而OF处理显著增加DOC含量, 增幅为12.8%。2)各处理藤蔓固碳量为1 818.02~3 811.72 kg·hm−2, 块根固碳量为2 718.69~4 299.93 kg·hm−2, 总NPP为9 559.16~14 392.58 kg·hm−2; 与CK处理比较, BC和GF处理的NPP分别下降22.5%和19.9%, OF处理升高16.7%。相关性分析表明块根固碳量主要与土壤DOC含量显著正相关(P<0.05), 与次表层(22.5~40.0 cm)土壤紧实度显著负相关。3)甘薯生育期各处理CO2-C累计排放量为5 738.84~11 257.23 kg·hm−2, 其中OF处理排放量最高。与CK处理相比, OF处理下土壤异养呼吸排放CO2-C累计量显著下降, 而自养呼吸排放CO2-C累计量显著增加。回归分析表明土壤呼吸速率随水汽通量和温度升高而升高, Spearman分析表明土壤异养呼吸排放的CO2-C累计量受藤蔓碳含量、土壤含水量和紧实度影响; 块根产量、碳排放效率(CEE)是调控土壤自养呼吸速率的主要因素。综上, 本研究明确了不同有机物料还田下甘薯植株的固碳效应, 有机肥处理的固碳效果最佳, 但同时植薯土壤呼吸产生的CO2累计排放量也最高。土壤异养呼吸和自养呼吸的驱动因素不同, 需进一步关注。研究结果可为区域特色作物的绿色低碳技术创建提供理论参考与科学依据。


    Abstract: The carbon stocks of sweet potatoes and soil respiration were investigated following different types of organic amendments to lay a foundation for further research on carbon sequestration and emission effects in sweet potato ecosystems. Fertilization experiments for the sweet potato–wheat rotation system were conducted based on the National Agricultural Experimental Station for Soil Quality in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province from 2021. In 2023, five treatments of the experiment were selected: chemical fertilization (CK), and combined applicaitons of chemical fertilizers with wheat straw (ST), with biochar (BC), with organic fertilizer (OF), and with green manure (GF). This study investigated the yield, aboveground biomass, and carbon content of sweet potatoes during the harvest. Furthermore, the net primary productivity (NPP) was estimated to characterize the effects of carbon sequestration by plants. Soil samples were collected during harvest to analyze physicochemical properties and carbon fractions. Soil respiration rates were monitored during the reproductive period. The results were as follows: 1) compared to the CK treatment, the ST, BC, OF, and GF treatments significantly increased soil total organic carbon content; the ST and GF treatments significantly decreased soil dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content by 21.3% and 25.2%, respectively, whereas the OF treatment significantly increased DOC content by 12.8%. 2) Carbon sequestration by vines of sweet potatoes ranged from 1 818.02 to 3 811.72 kg·hm−2, and carbon sequestration by storage roots ranged from 2 718.69 to 4 299.93 kg·hm−2 for each treatment. NPP of sweet potato ranged from 9 559.16 to 14 392.58 kg·hm−2. The BC and GF treatments decreased NPP by 22.5% and 19.9%, respectively, whereas the OF treatment elevated NPP by 16.7% compared to the CK treatment. Correlation analysis showed that carbon sequestration by storage root was mainly positively correlated with soil DOC content (P<0.05), and it was negatively correlated with the compactness of the subsurface layer (22.5−40.0 cm) soil. 3) The cumulative emissions of CO2-C ranged from 5 738.84 to 11 257.23 kg·hm−2 during the growth period of sweet potato among these treatments, wherein the OF treatment had the highest emissions. Compared with the CK treatment, the OF treatment significantly decreased the cumulative amount of CO2-C emitted from soil heterotrophic respiration, and significantly increased the cumulative amount of CO2-C emitted from autotrophic respiration. Regression analyses showed that soil respiration rate increased with increasing water vapor flux and temperature. Spearman analyses showed that the cumulative CO2-C emitted from soil heterotrophic respiration was influenced by aboveground carbon content, soil water content, and subsurface soil compactness. In contrast, the yield and carbon emission efficiency of storage roots were the main factors influencing the rate of soil autotrophic respiration. In summary, this study clarified the effects of returning different organic materials on the carbon sequestration of sweet potatoes, and the OF treatment had the best effect. However, at the same time, the cumulative CO2 emission from soil respiration was also the highest under OF treatment. The drivers of heterotrophic and autotrophic respiration in the soil are different and require further investigation. These results provide a theoretical reference and scientific basis for creating green and low-carbon technologies for typical crops in the region.


