
The comparison of biochar-based amendments in reducing both Cd and As absorption and transfer by spring and autumn rice

  • 摘要: 稻田Cd-As复合污染安全利用是本地区亟待解决的重大问题, 本研究通过田间试验, 比较4种炭基改良剂对污染稻田中土壤-水稻系统重金属吸收、转运的影响, 以期筛选出适用的改良剂, 为污染土壤的安全利用提供科学依据。本研究以广东省常用的杂交水稻软华优6100 (早稻)和野香优9号(晚稻)作为试验材料, 设置5个处理, 分别为CK、BO (生物炭∶有机肥=1∶1)、BS (生物炭∶海泡石=1∶1)、BB (生物炭: 膨润土=1∶1)和BA (生物炭∶碱渣=1∶1), 测定水稻产量和主要器官的Cd和As含量, 计算富集系数和转移系数。结果表明, 不同炭基组配改良剂显著提升早稻产量, 增幅为26.87%~48.93%; 晚稻只有BO显著增加了26.16%。炭基组配改良剂降低早稻和晚稻糙米Cd含量(40.23%~67.89%和7.64%~32.91%), 但提高了早稻糙米As含量(44.09%~67.73%), 而对晚稻糙米As含量没有显著影响。BS降Cd效果最好, 但升As也最高, 而且早稻和晚稻的表现十分一致。土壤中有效态Cd含量与土壤pH值和CEC含量呈显著负相关, 而有效态As则与土壤理化性质并无显著相关关系。糙米Cd含量与土壤的有效态Cd含量以及稻壳/茎叶/稻根中Cd含量呈显著正相关关系, 糙米中As含量与糙米/稻壳/茎叶中Zn含量呈显著负相关关系。综合分析认为, 控制Cd-As复合污染土壤上稻米中Cd和As含量必须根据不同重金属的吸收转运机理采用不同的方法控制其吸收和转运, 研究结果为华南地区稻米Cd和As含量控制方法提供了理论依据。


    Abstract: It is considered as a major and urgent problem in this region for safe utilization of the paddy soil contaminated by both Cd and As. This study compared the effects of 4 carbon-based amendments on the absorption, enrichment and transport of Cd and As in early and late rice plants through field experiments, in order to screen out suitable amendments for safe utilization of polluted farmland and provide scientific basis for the safe utilization of polluted soil. Both Oryza sativa L.Ruanhua You 6100 (spring rice) and Oryza sativa L. Ye Xiang You 9 (autumn rice) commonly used in Guangdong Province were used as test rice plants. Four different biochar-based amendments were invloved such as CK, BO (biochar: organic fertilizer=1∶1), BS (biochar: sepiolite=1∶1), BB (biochar: bentonite=1:1), and BA (biochar: alkali residue=1:1). The measured parameters were included the grain yield, the contents of both Cd and As in the major organs in rice plant. The biological accumulation factor (BCF) and transfer factor (TF) were calculated. The results showed that biochar-based amendments could significantly increase the grain yield of both spring rice by 26.87%−48.93%, while BO treatment significantly increased the yield of autumn rice by 26.16%. Biochar-based amendments induced large reduction in Cd content of both brown spring and autumn rice by 40.23%−67.89% and 7.64%−32.91% respectively. However, the amendments increased the As content in spring rice by 44.09%−67.73%, while with little effect on autumn rice. Generally, BS had consistent performance in spring and autumn rice for the best reduction in Cd but increase in As. Soil available Cd was significantly and negatively correlated with soil pH and CEC, while soil available As was not significantly correlated with soil physicochemical properties. The Cd content in brown rice was significantly and positively correlated with soil available Cd, and the Cd contents in brown rice, rice straw and rice root. There were significant negative correlations among As content in brown rice and the Zn content in brown rice, rice husk and rice straw as well. It is evident for that different methods based on the absorption and transport mechanisms of different heavy metals must be implemented for controlling both Cd and As content in rice. Our results provide a theoretical basis for controlling the Cd and As content in rice in southern China.


