
Evolution of Farming System and itsdriving mechanism in the Black Soil Region of Northeast China

  • 摘要: 厘清东北黑土区耕作制度演变趋势及其驱动机制对于实现黑土地保护, 促进农业现代化及高质量发展具有重要意义。基于文献分析, 结合各时期社会经济历史背景, 探究东北黑土区解放后耕作制度演变及其驱动机制。结果表明: (1)东北黑土区的耕作制度经历了显著的变革, 从传统的耕作方式逐渐转向现代农业。其演变主要可以分为三个阶段: 集体化进程中的传统耕作制度阶段、分散化的耕作制度调整阶段以及目前规模化的现代耕作制度阶段。(2)东北黑土区耕作制度演变的驱动机制源于农业生产力、生产关系及耕地立地条件之间的相互作用, 这些因素共同引导着耕作制度的发展方向。由此, 应加快构建以黑土地保护为首要目标, 分区施策为基本策略, 农艺制度为关键核心的系统化、科学化的耕作制度体系, 确保农业生产的可持续性, 促进农业现代化及高质量发展。


    Abstract: It is of great significance to clarify the evolution trend and driving mechanism of farming system in northeast black soil region for realizing black land protection and promoting agricultural modernization and high-quality development. Based on the literature analysis, combined with the social and economic historical background of each period, this paper probes into the evolution of the farming system and its driving mechanism in the Northeast black soil region after liberation. The results show that: (1) The farming system in the black soil region of Northeast China has undergone remarkable changes, from traditional farming system to modern agriculture. Its evolution can be divided into three stages: the traditional farming system stage in the process of collectivization, the decentralized farming system adjustment stage, and the modern farming system stage of the current scale. (2) The driving mechanism of farming system evolution in the Northeast black soil region stems from the interaction among agricultural productivity, production relations and cultivated land site conditions, which guide the development direction of farming system together.Therefore, it is necessary to accelerate the construction of a systematic and scientific farming system with black land protection as the primary goal, regional policy as the basic approach, and agronomic system as the key core, so as to ensure the sustainability of agricultural production and promote agricultural modernization and high-quality development.


