
Carbon footprint assessment of fresh Myrica rubra fruit based on LCA

  • 摘要: 碳足迹是生产某一产品在其生命周期直接或间接排放的CO2当量。在推动绿色可持续发展的背景下, 产品碳足迹是评估产品环境影响的重要指标, 有助于企业和个人制定相应的减排措施和绿色发展战略。本文以生命周期评价方法为基础, 采用ISO 14067和PAS 2050中规定的碳足迹核算方法, 对怀化某杨梅基地鲜果产品碳足迹进行了系统研究。杨梅鲜果没有指定的产品碳足迹-产品种类规则(CFP-PCR), 本文结合实际, 将功能单位定义为生产1 kg杨梅鲜果, 系统边界为从摇篮到农场门。通过调研获得活动水平数据, 涵盖原料获取、杨梅种植(除草、整形、修剪、施肥和采摘)以及包装和仓储等生命过程; 经核算, 该基地生产1 kg杨梅鲜果的碳足迹为0.185 kg(CO2-eq)·kg−1, 其中原料获取、种植过程及包装和仓储环节对整体碳足迹的贡献率分别为63.00%、36.31%和0.69%。对比不同碳排放来源看, 肥料上游生产及施肥后的直接排放是杨梅鲜果碳足迹最主要的排放源, 累积贡献率可达91.00%。从单个碳排放源看, 复合肥上游生产贡献率最大(42.92%), 其次为有机肥的上游生产贡献率(18.56%), 因此, 复合肥的减量增效对杨梅鲜果碳减排意义重大。本文采用ISO 14067中规定的方法进行不确定性分析和敏感性分析。结果显示, 本研究碳足迹核算结果的不确定性较小(贡献率变幅为±9%), 当两种肥料的活动数据在−20%~20%变动时, 复合肥敏感性较大(贡献率变幅为−8.28%~7.24%), 其次为有机肥(贡献率变幅为−5.39%~5.04%)。为进一步降低杨梅鲜果产品碳足迹和提升竞争力, 本文建议在不影响产品功能和效率的情况下, 采用碳排放因子更小的肥料(如有机肥、缓释肥和生物炭等)和包装材料(如生物基和可降解等), 以及更清洁的运输工具(如电驱动)和能源供给方式(如光伏等), 以期能够为本地杨梅产业科学控制温室气体排放和发展低碳农业提供参考依据。


    Abstract: Carbon footprint is the CO2 equivalent emissions directly or indirectly emitted from the production of a product over its life cycle. In promoting green and sustainable development, the carbon footprint of a product is an important indicator of its environmental impact, guiding enterprises and individuals to formulate corresponding emission reduction measures and green development strategies. China is the origin of Myrica rubra, with a history of cultivation and utilization dating back at least 2 000 years. Myrica rubra has been widely cultivated and produced in several regions and has become a local agricultural specialty and a leading industry. This study examined the carbon footprint of fresh Myrica rubra fruit from Huaihua, China, using the life cycle assessment method (LCA). The accounting procedure used ISO 14067 and PAS 2050 carbon footprint accounting techniques. Because Myrica rubra fruit lacked the designated carbon footprint of the product-product category rule (CFP-PCR), this study defined the functional unit as producing 1 kg fresh Myrica rubra fruit based on real-world scenarios. System boundary of this study was from cradle to farm gate. The raw material procurement, planting process (weeding, shaping, pruning, fertilization, and picking), and packaging and storage were covered by the activity level research data, and these data were collected through on-site inquiries. The emission factors were obtained from the IPCC, Chinese Life Cycle Basic Database (CLCD), China Products Carbon Footprint Factors Database (CPCD 2.0), and the published literatures. The product carbon footprint of fresh Myrica rubra fruit in the plantation base was 0.185 kg(CO2-eq)·kg−1, of which the contribution of raw material procurement, planting process, and packaging and storage to the overall carbon footprint were 63.00%, 36.31%, and 0.69%, respectively. Comparing the different carbon emission sources, upstream fertilizer production and direct emissions after fertilizer application were the most important carbon emission sources for the carbon footprint of fresh Myrica rubra fruit, and the cumulative contribution reached 91.00%. Analyzing the individual carbon emission sources, upstream compound fertilizer production contributed the most to the carbon footprint of the product (42.92%), followed by upstream organic fertilizer production (18.56%), therefore the reduction and efficiency of compound fertilizer is significant to the carbon emission reduction of fresh Myrica rubra fruit and is the key link in carbon emission reduction. Uncertainty analysis (assessing the reliability of the data and calculation process) and sensitivity analysis were conducted using the methods specified in ISO 14067. The uncertainty of the carbon footprint accounting results in this study was small (the variation of the contribution rate was ±9%). When the activity data of the compound fertilizer and organic fertilizer varied from −20% to 20%, the sensitivity of compound fertilizer was higher (the variation of the contribution rate was from −8.28% to 7.24%). Sensitivity of organic fertilizer was lower, and the contribution rate ranged from −5.39% to 5.04%). Without affecting product functionality and efficiency, fertilizers (e.g. organic fertilizer, slow released fertlizer and biochar), and bio-based and biodegradable packaging materials with lower carbon emission factors, as well as cleaner transportation (e.g. electric) and energy supply (e.g. photovoltaic) are recommonded. Ultimately, the aim is to help achieve local carbon peak and carbon neutrality targets by providing a reference for the scientific management of greenhouse gas emissions in the Myrica rubra sector and promoting the advancement of low-carbon agriculture.


