
Effect of different stages and types of lodging on grain filling and yield of summer maize

  • 摘要: 倒伏是影响夏玉米高产稳产的重要灾害因素, 为研究不同阶段和类型倒伏对夏玉米籽粒灌浆及产量的影响, 本研究选取‘郑单1002’ (稀植大穗型)和‘豫单9553’ (密植小穗型) 2个品种, 在4个关键生育阶段(大喇叭口期E1、花期E2、籽粒建成期E3和灌浆中期E4)设定3种倒伏类型(轻度根倒伏EQ、重度根倒伏EZ和茎折倒伏EJ)的田间控制试验。利用Logistics曲线模拟了籽粒灌浆动态, 分析倒伏后籽粒灌浆的速增期、渐增期、缓增期的持续时间及灌浆速率等参数的变化, 定量评估不同倒伏处理的产量灾损。结果表明: Logistics曲线模拟夏玉米籽粒灌浆动态决定系数均在0.98以上, 拟合效果较好。分析籽粒灌浆模拟参数变化, 在E3和E4阶段倒伏处理后, 理论最大百粒重K值显著降低, 且‘郑单1002’的K值降幅高于‘豫单9553’。其中E3阶段倒伏K值显著下降8.8%~16.5% (EZ)和15.4%~22.3% (EJ), E4阶段倒伏K值显著下降6.0%~16.0% (EZ)和14.9%~18.8% (EJ)。除第一阶段外, 倒伏发生后平均灌浆速率Gavg、最大灌浆速率Gmax以及灌浆速率最大时的籽粒质量Wmax均受到显著影响, 两个品种平均灌浆速率E2阶段下降10.5%~11.8% (EZ)和12.4%~14.6% (EJ), E3阶段下降18.0%~18.1% (EZ)和17.6%~21.2% (EJ), E4阶段下降13.6%~16.6% (EZ)和14.1%~23.0% (EJ)。各阶段倒伏处理后, 2个品种的3个灌浆时期的持续时间与对照差异均不显著, 但灌浆速率下降明显, 且差异主要体现在速增期和缓增期。E1阶段EJ处理后的速增期和缓增期的灌浆速率显著下降, E2、E3和E4阶段的EJ和EZ倒伏处理的速增期和缓增期的灌浆速率均显著下降。各阶段EQ倒伏对籽粒灌浆影响均不显著。分析倒伏后夏玉米产量变化, E2、E3和E4阶段对产量影响大, 平均减产18.2%~21.1% (‘郑单1002’)和21.1%~24.0% (‘豫单9553’), 其中EJ倒伏的减产幅度最高, 其次是EZ倒伏, 从总体产量水平来看倒伏对‘豫单9553’的产量影响较‘郑单1002’更大。综上所述, 夏玉米生长中后期发生倒伏显著降低籽粒灌浆速率, 且主要影响速增期和缓增期的灌浆速率, 倒伏显著降低产量, 特别是对密植小穗型品种‘豫单9553’的产量影响更大。


    Abstract: Lodging is a crucial factor affecting the yield of summer maize. To study the effects of different stages and types of lodging on the grain filling and yield of summer maize, this study selected two varieties, “Zhengdan 1002” (sparsely planted with large ears) and ‘Yudan 9553’ (densely planted with small ears), and conducted a field control experiment at four key growth stages (E1: large trumpet mouth stage, E2: flowering stage, E3: grain formation stage, and E4: mid-grain filling stage) with three types of lodging (EQ: light root lodging, EZ: severe root lodging, and EJ: stem bending). Using a logistic curve to simulate the dynamics of grain filling, this study analyzed changes in the duration and rate of grain filling during the gradual increase phase, rapid increase phase, and slow increase phase and quantitatively assessed the yield loss due to different lodging treatments. The logistic simulation fit the grain-filling dynamics of summer maize well, with a determination coefficient of over 0.98. Post-lodging, significant reductions in the theoretical maximum 100-grain weight (K value) were observed at E3 and E4 stages, with ‘Zhengdan 1002’ experiencing greater reductions than ‘Yudan 9553’. In particular, K values significantly decreased by 8.8%–16.5% (EZ) and 15.4%–22.3% (EJ) during E3 and 6.0%−16.0% (EZ) and 14.9%−18.8% (EJ) during E4. Excluding the E1 stage, the average grain filling rate Gavg, maximum grain filling rate Gmax, and grain mass at maximum filling rate Wmax were significantly affected, with average filling rates of ‘Zhengdan 1002’ decreasing less than those of ‘Yudan 9553’. Specifically, the average filling rates decreased by 10.5%–11.8% (EZ) and 12.4%–14.6% (EJ) during E2, 18.0%–18.1% (EZ) and 17.6%–21.2% (EJ) during E3, and 13.6%–16.6% (EZ) and 14.1%–23.0% (EJ) during E4. The durations of the three grain-filling phases under lodging treatments at different stages were not significantly different from those of the control but a decline in the filling rate was evident, particularly during the rapid and slow increase phase. Post-lodging, grain filling rates during the rapid and slow increase phase significantly decreased in the E1 stage after EJ and in the E2, E3, and E4 stages after EJ and EZ. Light root lodging had no significant impact on grain-filling rates. Analysis of post-lodging yield changes showed that the E2, E3, and E4 stages had a greater impact on yield, with average reductions of 18.2%−21.1% (‘Zhengdan 1002’) and 21.1%−24.0% (‘Yudan 9553’), whereas EJ resulted in the highest yield reduction, followed by EZ. Lodging had a greater impact on ‘Yudan 9553’ than on ‘Zhengdan 1002’. In summary, lodging during the middle and late stages of summer maize growth significantly reduces the grain-filling rate and mainly affects the filling rate during the rapid and slow growth periods. Lodging significantly reduces yield, especially for densely planted spikelet-type varieties, such as ‘Yudan 9553’.


