
Current situation, problems, and suggestions for comprehensive utilization of saline-alkali soil in Hebei Province

  • 摘要: 盐碱地是重要的后备耕地资源, 是实现国家粮食安全的重要保障。河北省盐碱地主要包括滨海盐碱地、黄淮海平原盐碱地和内陆干旱区盐碱地3种类型, 是全国盐碱地的典型代表, 据统计2023年河北省盐碱地面积为3.89×105 hm2, 同时河北省也是我国13个粮食主产省之一, 研究河北省盐碱地综合利用对落实粮食安全战略、推动京津冀盐碱地特色农业发展具有重大意义。文章基于第二次和第三次土壤普查盐碱地专题和其间发表的相关数据, 综合分析了河北省盐碱地综合利用的现状、问题和发展路径。研究结果发现: 1)过去40多年以来, 河北省盐碱地面积呈现减少趋势, 2011年以前轻度盐碱地面积减少最多, 为23.77万hm2; 2011年后中度和重度盐碱地面积减少较多, 共为11.11万hm2。其中张家口市和衡水市盐碱地面积减少较多, 分别为2.33×105 和 1.12×105 hm2, 而沧州市和唐山市盐碱地面积减少幅度较小, 分别为3.37×104 和2.49×104 hm2。2)河北省盐碱地综合利用取得了重要的成效, 通过耐盐适生作物品种选育、农田多水源联合利用、土壤降盐培肥等多途径多类型盐碱地综合利用技术、产品和装备的研发、模式的推广和实施, 提升了盐碱耕地质量和作物产能水平。3)随着国家粮食安全重大战略的深入推进和人民对生活质量需求的不断提高, 盐碱地综合利用技术成熟度和渗透度、政策延续性、综合利用技术、品种的研发潜力和推广度仍有待提高。综合考虑河北省盐碱地发展进程、区域资源禀赋和现代科技发展趋势, 从关键技术创新、政产学研用、财政补贴支持和盐碱地特色农业产业等多路径进行分析, 提出了相应的对策和建议。


    Abstract: Saline-alkali land is becoming one of the most important potential farmland resources to guarantee national food security as the population increases. As one of the 13 major grain-producing areas in China, Hebei Province has three types of saline-alkali soil — coastal saline-alkali soil, saline-alkali soil in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, and saline-alkali soil in inland arid areas. These are a typical representative of saline-alkali soil in China with an area of 3.89×105 hm2. Therefore, it is of great significance for implement a food security strategy and the development of characteristic agriculture in the saline-alkali land region to study the comprehensive utilization of saline-alkali land in Hebei Province. Based on data from the second and third soil surveys on saline-alkali land and the published data, this study comprehensively analyzed the changes, current situation, problems, and development paths of the comprehensive utilization of saline-alkali land in Hebei Province. Over the past 40 years, the area of saline-alkali land in Hebei Province has demonstrated a significantly decreasing trend, with a rate of decrease of 68.52%. Before 2011, most of the decreased area of saline-alkali land was mild saline-alkali land with an area of 2.377×105 hm2; however, the moderate and heavy saline-alkali land significantly decreased in area after 2011, with an area of 1.111×105 hm2. And, the areas of saline-alkali land in Zhangjiakou City and Hengshui City have decreased by relatively large margins, which were 2.33×105 and 1.12×105 hm2, respectively. However, the areas of saline-alkali land in Cangzhou City and Tangshan City have decreased by relatively small amounts, which were 3.37×104 and 2.49×104 hm2, respectively. The comprehensive utilization of saline-alkali land in Hebei Province has improved over the past 40 years with the development of new technologies. New salt-tolerant crop varieties, including winter wheat and alfalfa, have been developed. Researchers have developed the joint utilization of multiple water sources in farmlands, including rainfall, shallow brackish water, and soil water. Soil quality improvement technologies, including straw return with organic fertilizer application, construction of fertile cultivation layers, specialized fertilizers, and specialized equipment, have been developed. The joint application of new varieties, technologies, products, and equipment to various types of saline-alkali lands has significantly improved the soil quality of saline-alkali farmlands and crop production capacity. With the implementation of the major strategy of national food security, coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, and the increasing demand for quality of life, there is an urgent need for the comprehensive utilization of technology for saline-alkali lands. However, the maturity and penetration of comprehensive utilization technologies for different saline-alkali land regions, policy continuity, comprehensive utilization technology, research and development potential, and promotion of varieties still need to be improved. There is also an urgent need to develop saline-alkali land characteristic industries that would benefit farmers’ income and sustainable agricultural development. Given the current food requirements and the distribution and area of saline-alkali land, modern technologies for their utilization have been developed, and corresponding countermeasures and suggestions were put forward from various avenues of politics, industry, academia, research, and finance in this paper.


