
Influence of information literacy on farmers’ adoption of conservation tillage: The moderating effect of ecological compensation

  • 摘要: 信息素养是人力资本的重要内容, 深入剖析信息素养与农户保护性耕作技术采纳之间的逻辑关系, 为促进保护性耕作技术的推广与应用提供了一个新的视角, 对实现耕地资源的可持续利用具有重要意义。本文基于黑龙江、河南、山东和山西4省895个农户的微观调研数据, 利用熵值法从信息意识、信息知识和信息能力3个维度构建农户信息素养评价指标体系, 运用有序Probit模型、中介效应模型和调节效应模型, 实证分析信息素养对农户保护性耕作技术采纳的直接影响、间接影响以及生态补偿在其中的调节作用。研究发现: 1)信息素养显著促进了农户保护性耕作技术采纳, 且该结论在经过内生性检验和一系列稳健性检验后依然成立; 信息素养的不同维度对农户保护性耕作技术采纳的影响具有差异性, 其促进作用依次为: 信息知识>信息意识>信息能力。2)信息素养主要通过降低信息成本和提升预期收益两条机制, 促进农户保护性耕作技术采纳; 生态补偿正向调节信息素养与农户保护性耕作技术采纳的关系, 表明信息素养与生态补偿存在互补效应, 即生态补偿强化了信息素养对农户保护性耕作技术采纳的促进作用。3)信息素养对大规模农户、低收入农户和新生代农户保护性耕作技术采纳的促进作用更明显。据此, 应积极开展农户信息素养培育工作, 加强农村地区信息基础设施建设, 加大保护性耕作技术信息服务供给, 构建科学合理的保护性耕作生态补偿体系, 以及采取差异化的信息素养提升策略。


    Abstract: Information literacy is an important index reflecting the level of human capital. This study analyzes the internal logical relationship between information literacy and farmers’ adoption of conservation tillage technology, and provides a new perspective for promoting its popularization and application of conservation tillage technology. This research is crucial for promoting the sustainable utilization of cultivated land resources. We conducted field surveys in Heilongjiang, Henan, Shandong, and Shanxi provinces and obtained first-hand microdata from 895 rural households. This study used the entropy method to construct an evaluation index system for farmers’ information literacy from three dimensions: information awareness, information knowledge, and information ability. The ordered probit model analyzed the direct impact of information literacy on farmers’ adoption of conservation tillage technology. The mediating effect model analyzed its indirect impact, whereas the moderating effect model assessed the moderating effect of ecological compensation in this relationship. The study revealed that 1) information literacy had a notable positive impact on farmers’ adoption of conservation tillage technology and information literacy can promote farmers’ adoption of conservation tillage technology. The results were confirmed using an endogeneity test and a series of robustness tests. Different dimensions of information literacy (i.e. information awareness, knowledge, and ability) promoted farmers’ adoption of conservation tillage technology, with the effects ranked as follows: information knowledge > information awareness > information ability. 2) The mechanism test results showed that information literacy promoted farmers’ adoption of conservation tillage technology by reducing information cost and enhancing expected return. Ecological compensation positively moderated the relationship between information literacy and farmers’ adoption of conservation tillage technology, indicating a complementary relationship between information literacy and ecological compensation. In other words, ecological compensation reinforced the role of information literacy in promoting the adoption of conservation tillage technology by farmers. 3) The results of the heterogeneity analysis showed that the promoting effect of information literacy on farmers’ adoption of conservation tillage technology was more obvious among large-scale, low-income, and new-generation farmers. Based on the above conclusions, we propose the following policy recommendations. First, to promote the popularization and application of conservation tillage technology, information literacy training of farmers should be actively conducted to improve their information literacy level. Second, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of the information infrastructure in rural areas and reduce the threshold for farmers’ information access. Third, the information supply on conservation tillage technology should be increased to improve farmers’ expectations. Fourth, a scientific and reasonable ecological compensation system for conservation tillage that plays an active role in the adoption of conservation tillage technologies should be established. Fifth, different information literacy promotion strategies should be adopted for different groups.


