
Effect of partial replacement of mineral fertilizer by manure on nitrogen losses and balance from wheat-maize farmland in North China

  • 摘要: 有机肥替代化肥改变了土壤氮素的转化与损失。为探索有机肥部分替代化肥对农田生态系统不同形式氮损失以及氮平衡的影响, 本研究在中国科学院栾城农业生态系统试验站连续开展了2年(2021—2023年)田间试验, 设计了2种不同有机肥(牛、羊粪)和4种不同替代化肥比例处理(100%/70%有机肥替代化肥、50%有机肥替代化肥、30%有机肥替代化肥和单施化肥), 进而探究不同有机肥替代比例对作物产量、不同形态氮素损失及氮平衡的影响。结果表明: 在气态氮损失方面, 相对单施化肥, 有机肥替代化肥在一定程度降低了土壤N2O排放, 尤其在2023年玉米季, 各有机肥替代化肥处理N2O累积排放量较单施化肥处理均有所降低, 平均降低33.87%; 有机肥替代化肥处理也降低了土壤氨挥发形式氮损失, 就整个生育期来看, 通过氨挥发形式损失的氮素降低14.60%~68.92%; 在氮淋溶方面, 相较于单施化肥处理, 有机肥替代化肥处理0~100和0~150 cm土层土壤可溶性硝态氮淋溶量分别降低44.17%~72.72%和56.95%~79.31%, 0~100和0~150 cm土层土壤可溶性全氮淋溶量分别降低26.75%~52.60%和38.48%~70.70%。牛粪替代化肥处理的淋溶风险相对低于羊粪替代化肥处理, 以150 cm为淋溶界面来看, 牛粪替代处理可溶性硝态氮和可溶性全氮淋溶量较羊粪处理分别降低6.39%和1.71%。此外, 随着有机肥替代比例的增大, 土壤可溶性有机氮淋溶占总可溶性氮淋溶的比例有所增加, 通过0~100 cm 和0~150 cm 土层的土壤溶液中可溶性有机氮占比分别由29.35% 升至33.82%和25.31% 升至36.65%, 土壤有机氮淋溶风险增加。在供氮能力方面, 有机肥替代化肥处理下土壤养分供给能力和作物氮素利用率均有所提升, 在多季有机肥替代化肥施用情况来看, 保障了小麦和玉米产量较单施化肥无显著差异。综合来看, 有机肥替代化肥处理降低了土壤氮素损失风险, 改善了土壤养分状况, 其中50%羊粪替代处理在保障产量需求的前提下, 环境氮损失最少。研究结果可以为华北平原种养结合地区农业废弃物资源的合理利用提供科学支撑。


    Abstract: The substitution of mineral fertilizers with manure has profound implications for soil nitrogen dynamics, including nitrogen transformation processes, loss pathways, and overall nitrogen balance. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of partial manure substitution on nitrogen loss, soil nutrient status, and crop productivity through a two-year field experiment from 2021 to 2023 at the Luancheng Agro-Ecosystems Experimental Station, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The experiment involved two types of manure fertilizer (cattle and sheep manure) and four substitution ratios (manure replacing 100%/70%, 50%, and 30% of mineral fertilizers, and mineral fertilizer only as control). The effects of different manure substitution ratios were evaluated in terms crop yield, nitrogen loss in various forms, and the nitrogen balance. The results demonstrated that manure substitution significantly reduced gaseous nitrogen losses compared with mineral fertilizer treatment. Especially in the 2023 maize season, the cumulative N2O emission of all manure substitution of mineral fertilizers treatments was reduced compared with chemical fertilizer alone, with an average reduction of 33.87%. Furthermore, manure substitution treatments reduced nitrogen loss through ammonia volatilization by 14.60%–68.92% throughout the entire crop growth cycle. These reductions in gaseous nitrogen emissions suggested that manure substitution can effectively minimize gaseous nitrogen losses, thereby enhancing nitrogen use efficiency and lowering the environmental footprint of the fertilization practices. In terms of nitrogen leaching, the substitution of mineral fertilizers with manure reduced the soluble nitrate nitrogen leaching at 100 cm (44.17%–72.72%) and 150 cm (56.95%–79.31%) soil layer, and soluble total nitrogen leaching at 100 cm (26.75%–52.60%) and 150 cm (38.48%–70.70%) compared with that in the treatment of mineral fertilizer only. The leaching risk of the substitution of mineral fertilizers with cow manure treatment was lower than that of the substitution with sheep manure treatment. Taking 150 cm as the leaching interface, the soluble nitrate nitrogen and soluble total nitrogen leaching of the substitution of mineral fertilizers with cow manure treatment decreased by 6.39% and 1.71%, respectively, compared with that of the substitution with sheep manure treatment. However, the proportion of soluble organic nitrogen in the leachate increased with increasing manure substitution ratio from 29.35% to 33.82% at 100 cm soil layer and from 25.31% to 36.65% at 150 cm soil layer, indicating a heightened risk of organic nitrogen leaching at higher dose of manure application. In terms of nitrogen supply capacity, under multi-season application of manure as a substitute for mineral fertilizer, the soil nutrient supply capacity and crop nitrogen use efficiency were both improved. This ensured that wheat and maize yields showed no significant difference compared to mineral fertilizer applied only. Among different treatments, 50% sheep manure substitution balanced between minimizing nitrogen loss and sustaining high crop yield most effectively, suggesting its suitability for maximizing both environmental and agronomic benefits. In summary, substituting mineral fertilizer with manure can effectively reduce nitrogen losses by minimizing gaseous nitrogen emissions and leaching, while simultaneously improving soil nutrient availability and crop productivity. Across treatments, 50% sheep manure substitution is the most sustainable and practical option for minimizing environmental risks while maintaining high yield. These findings provide valuable insights for the rational utilization of manure and other agricultural residues in integrated crop-livestock system, particularly in the North China Plain, and support efforts toward sustainable agricultural intensification.


