
Research advances on deep soil organic carbon storage, stability and responses to human activities

  • 摘要: 土壤是陆地生态系统最大的有机碳库, 对全球气候变化有着重要的调节作用。目前, 大部分关于土壤有机碳储量与周转方面的研究仅关注0~1 m土层土壤, 对1 m以下的深层土壤有机碳储量、稳定性及其对人类活动的响应还缺乏系统总结。鉴于此, 本文系统总结了深层土壤有机碳储量、来源、组成、稳定性及其对人类活动的响应规律等方面的最新研究进展。在全球范围内, 深层土壤有机碳储量为29.9~219.6 t·hm−2, 占土壤有机碳储量的15%~84%。深层土壤有机碳的年龄为4 800~28 100 a, 周转时间为1 000~4 285 a。深层土壤有机碳的稳定性显著高于表层, 主要原因是深层土壤中的氧气含量远低于表层, 另外深层土壤有机碳大部分被矿物保护, 其化学组成更趋惰性。影响深层土壤有机碳稳定性的关键因素包括: 氮肥过量施用、种植制度转变和地下水位波动。虽然深层土壤有机碳的矿化速率显著低于表层, 但人类活动导致的硝酸盐淋失、种植制度转变以及地下水位波动已在一些区域显著降低了深层土壤有机碳的稳定性, 对全球气候变化可能造成深远影响。未来亟需: 1)评估区域/全球深层土壤碳库储量及其稳定性; 2)阐明深层土壤有机碳库储量及其稳定性对人类活动的响应机制; 3)量化人类活动导致的深层土壤有机碳释放对全球变暖的贡献。


    Abstract: Soil, one of the largest carbon reservoirs in the ecosystem, has substantial storage capacity and significantly affects global climate change. Currently, most studies on soil organic carbon storage and turnover focus on topsoil organic carbon (0−1 m) (SSOM), whereas systematic studies on the storage, stability and responses of subsoil organic carbon below 1 m (DSOM) to human activities are relatively limited. This study comprehensively reviewed the latest studies focusing on the storage, sources, composition, stability, and human activity responses to DSOM. Globally, the storage of subsoil organic carbon ranges from 29.9 to 219.6 t·hm−2, accounting for 15%−84% of the total soil organic carbon storage. The average age of the DSOM is between 4 800 and 28 100 a, with a turnover time spanning from 1 000 to 4 285 a. The stability of DSOM is significantly higher than that of SSOM, mainly due to the anaerobic environment, mineral protection and chemical inertness of DSOM. The key factors affecting the stability of DSOM include excessive fertilization, changes in cropping systems and fluctuations in groundwater levels. Although the mineralization rate of DSOM is significantly lower than that of SSOM, human activities, such as nitrate leaching due to excessive nitrogen fertilizer application, changes in cropping systems and groundwater level fluctuations, have significantly reduced the stability of DSOM in some regions, potentially having a profound impact on global climate change. The substantial storage potential of DSOM for carbon sequestration is comprised by these activities, which may lead to the release of stored carbon back into the atmosphere, thereby exacerbating global warming. Previous studies indicate that the substantial storage of DSOM has significant potential for carbon sequestration, and human activities may have comprised its stability, potentially leading to profound effects on global climate change. Therefore, investigating the DSOM is crucial. However, the underlying mechanisms and processes have not been fully explored, and further comprehensive research is required. Future studies should focusing on 1) assessing the storage and stability of regional / global subsoil carbon pools, 2) clarifying the mechanisms by which subsoil organic carbon pools responding to human activities, and 3) quantifying the contribution of human activity-induced subsoil organic carbon release to global warming. These research directions are essential to fully understand and leverage the role of DSOM in climate change mitigation and ensure the sustainability of our planet for future generations. In summary, the study of DSOM is at the vanguard of soil science and global change research, necessitating a multidisciplinary convergence of pedology, geochemistry, microbiology and environmental science. Advancing our understanding of DSOM is the key to harnessing its capacity as a natural climate change mitigation tool and securing the planet’s sustainability for future generations.


