
Impact of cultivated land scale and fragmentation on chemical fertilizer non-point source pollution

  • 摘要: 不科学不合理的化肥投入所导致的化肥面源污染问题日益严重, 而耕地作为农业生产最基本、最稀缺的资源, 耕地规模、耕地细碎化等耕地资源禀赋特征直接制约着农户的化肥投入行为, 因此, 探究耕地规模、细碎化等耕地资源禀赋特征对化肥面源污染的影响机制, 对化肥面源污染治理, 促进农业绿色转型和可持续发展有重要意义。本文将耕地规模细分为耕地经营规模与地块规模, 从理论上探讨耕地经营规模、地块规模、耕地细碎化三者间的关系及其对化肥面源污染的影响机理, 并基于洞庭湖区域595份农户问卷调查数据, 利用Tobit模型进行实证检验。研究表明: 1)耕地细碎化会增加化肥面源污染, 且随耕地细碎化程度加深, 会削弱耕地经营规模或地块规模扩大对减少化肥面源污染的正向影响; 2)耕地经营规模与化肥面源污染排放强度之间呈“U”型关系, 耕地经营规模的扩大有利于削弱耕地细碎化产生的负向影响, 加强地块规模扩大对减少化肥面源污染的正向影响; 3)地块规模对化肥面源污染有显著削减作用, 且地块规模扩大, 能削弱耕地细碎化加深产生的负向影响, 加强耕地经营规模扩大产生的正向影响。据此, 为减少化肥面源污染, 应将土地整治与耕地流转相结合, 鼓励农户在适度范围内扩大耕地经营规模的同时, 推动地块规模的扩大, 降低耕地细碎化程度, 有效发挥耕地规模效益。


    Abstract: The problem of non-point source (NPS) fertilizer pollution caused by unscientific and irrational fertilizer inputs is becoming increasingly serious. The cultivated land is the most basic and scarce resource for agricultural production, its’ scale and fragmentation directly restricts the fertilizer input behavior of farmers. Therefore, it is important to investigate the influence of cultivated land scale, fragmentation, and other resource endowment characteristics of cultivated land on fertilizer NPS pollution, which is important for controlling chemical fertilizer NPS pollution and promoting the green transformation and sustainable development of agriculture. Unlike other studies that only focus on the impact of cultivated land operation scale or cultivated land fragmentation on fertilizer input or fertilizer use efficiency, this study, from the perspective of micro-farmers, subdivided cultivated land scale into operation scale and plot scale, and rationalized the relationship between cultivated land operation scale and fragmentation, and plot scale, and their impact mechanisms on fertilizer NPS pollution at a theoretical level. Based on the questionnaire survey data of farmers in the Dongting Lake area, the fertilizer NPS pollution intensity generated by fertilizer inputs in the agricultural production process of farmers was measured using inventory analysis. Tobit model was used to empirically analyze the impacts of cultivated land scale and fragmentation on fertilizer NPS pollution. The results showed that: 1) there was a significant positive correlation between cultivated land fragmentation and fertilizer NPS pollution. The higher the degree of cultivated land fragmentation, the higher the fertilizer NPS pollution intensity, and the deepening of cultivated land fragmentation could weaken the effect of cultivated land operation scale expansion and plot scale expansion on fertilizer NPS pollution reduction. 2) The relationship between the scale of cultivated land operation and fertilizer NPS pollution intensity was “U” shaped. The fertilizer NPS pollution intensity tended to decrease and then increase with the expansion of the cultivated land operation scale, with an inflection point of 4.311 hm2. The expansion of the cultivated land operation scale also weakened the negative effect of cultivated land fragmentation and strengthened the positive effect of plot size expansion on reducing fertilizer NPS pollution. 3) Plot size significantly affected fertilizer NPS pollution. The expansion of the plot scale was conducive to the reduction of fertilizer NPS pollution. At the same time, the expansion of the plot scale could effectively regulate the negative effect of cultivated land fragmentation on the reduction of fertilizer NPS pollution and enhance the positive effect of the expansion of cultivated land operation scale on the reduction of fertilizer NPS pollution. Consequently, to reduce NPS fertilizer pollution, the government should combine land consolidation with land transfer and encourage farmers to expand the scale of cultivated land operations within an appropriate scope. At the same time, it is necessary to promote the expansion of the plot scale and reduce the degree of land fragmentation, leading to the effective use of cultivated land.


