
The short-term effects of tillage during the summer fallow period on soil organic carbon sequestration and mineralization in dryland wheat field

  • 摘要: 耕作作为人为土壤管理措施的一部分, 往往通过改变土壤理化性状, 或直接作用于秸秆和根系等残体在土壤中的分布, 影响土壤有机碳周转。本研究以黄土高原旱地麦田为载体, 于2018—2020年开展田间试验, 采用单因素完全随机区组设计, 设置夏闲期免耕(FNT)、夏闲期深翻(FPT)和夏闲期深松(FST) 3种耕作模式, 于2020年6月旱地小麦收获后采集0~50 cm土层土壤样品, 分析不同夏闲期耕作模式下土壤有机碳(SOC)积累、矿化及其与土壤理化性质之间的关系。研究结果表明: FNT模式在0~10 cm表层土壤有机碳储量(SOCstock)、固碳量(ΔSOCstock)、固碳速率(SOCstock-rate)和固碳效率(SOCstock-efficiency)均显著最高, 即表现出显著的固碳优势; 而在0~50 cm整个剖面, FPT和FST模式较FNT模式SOCstock显著提高9.90%~10.40%, ΔSOCstock和SOCstock-rate亦显著提高, 且FPT和FST两模式间无显著差异。回归拟合结果表明, SOCstock-rate随外源累积碳输入量增加呈先增加后降低的变化趋势。室内培养40 d后, SOC累积矿化量在0~30 cm土层表现为FPT模式显著最高, 而在30~50 cm土层表现为FST模式显著最高, 潜在可矿化碳与SOC累积矿化量规律基本保持一致。对于SOC矿化率, 在0~30 cm土层表现为FPT>FNT>FST, 在30~50 cm土层则表现为FPT模式显著低于FST和FNT模式。冗余分析结果表明, 土壤碱解氮(AN)、pH和有效磷(AP)含量是导致不同耕作模式间SOC积累和矿化差异的重要因子, 其中AN与两者间的关系达显著水平。综上, 在本试验条件下, 短期内FNT模式在表层土壤表现出显著的固碳优势; 而综合考虑SOC固持和矿化两方面效应, FST模式是实现黄土高原旱地麦田0~50 cm土层土壤固碳的较优推荐措施。


    Abstract: As an important element of anthropogenic soil management practices, tillage typically influences soil organic carbon (SOC) turnover by altering soil physical and chemical properties or directly manipulating the distribution of crop residues within soil. With a specific focus on the dryland wheat fields on the Loess Plateau, in this study, we conducted a field experiment from 2018 to 2020, in which we adopted a single-factor completely randomized block design, and established the following three tillage patterns during the summer fallow period: no tillage (FNT), deep plowing (FPT) and subsoiling (FST). Soil samples were collected from the 0−50 cm soil layers following the dryland wheat harvest in June 2020, and we analyzed the accumulation and mineralization of SOC and the relationships with physicochemical properties under different summer fallow tillage patterns. The results revealed that at soil depths of 0−10 cm, there were significantly higher SOC stock (SOCstock), SOC sequestration (ΔSOCstock), SOC sequestration rate (SOCstock-rate) and SOC sequestration efficiency (SOCstock-efficiency) in soils under the FNT treatment, which would be advantageous with respect to SOC sequestration within the surface soil. Within the 0−50 cm soil profile, compared with the FNT treatment, the FPT and FST treatments contributed to significant increases of 9.90%−10.40% in SOCstock, as well as ΔSOCstockand SOCstock-rate, although there were no significant differences detected between the FPT and FST treatments. Moreover, the linear fitting results revealed that SOCstock-rate initially increased and subsequently declined in response to an increase in carbon input from exogenous residues. Following 40 days of laboratory incubation, the significantly highest cumulative mineralization of SOC was observed within the 0−30 cm soil layer under FPT treatment and within the 30−50 cm soil layer under FST treatment, and we found that the potentially mineralizable carbon was essentially consistent with the cumulative mineralization of SOC. With respect to SOC mineralization rate, we observed the trend of FPT > FNT > FST within the 0−30 cm soil layer, and compared with the FST and FNT treatments, levels of mineralization rate were found to be significantly lower in the 30−50 cm soil layer under FPT treatment. Furthermore, on the basis of redundancy analysis, we identified the soil available nitrogen (AN) content, pH, and soil available phosphorus (AP) content as key factors contributing to differences in the accumulation and mineralization of SOC in soil subjected to different tillage treatments, notably the significant relationships between AN content and each of these tillage practices. Overall, under the assessed experimental conditions, the FNT tillage pattern was established to have significant short-term advantages with respect to carbon sequestration in the surface soil. On the basis of the observed effects on SOC sequestration and mineralization, an FST tillage pattern is recommended as a measure for promoting carbon sequestration within the 0−50 cm soil layer of dryland wheat fields on the Loess Plateau, China.


