
Methods and application of accounting of farmland ecosystem services: Based on the perspective of the intersection of ecology and economics

  • 摘要: 农田生态系统服务价值核算是制定农业生态保护补偿和生态损害赔偿政策的理论依据, 是推动农业生态产品价值实现的基础。本文从生态学与经济学交叉的视角, 尝试将生态核算与经济核算相融合, 进而构建了农田生态系统服务价值的核算方法, 并研究了2000—2022年内蒙古自治区农田生态系统服务价值的变化特征。相关研究结果如下: 1) 2000—2022年, 内蒙古自治区农田生态系统服务价值年均值为5 210.70亿元, 相当于该区年均GDP的79.70%和年均供给服务价值的11.02倍。2)一级指标中, 调节服务价值占比最大, 占总价值的38.32%, 其次是社会保障价值, 占比35.92%, 文化服务价值、供给服务价值和负面价值的占比分别为16.52%、9.04%和0.19%。3)按照农田生态系统服务总价值中农民应当获得但却没有获得的金额计算农业补贴标准, 内蒙古自治区每公顷农田补贴标准应为51 293 ¥, 远高于政府目前每公顷2 250 ¥的补贴标准。本文政策启示如下: 一是要持续探索比较科学的农田生态系统服务价值评估方法, 摸清农田生态系统家底和价值。二是要建立健全以价值核算为依据的农田生态保护机制, 科学制定农业补贴标准, 就内蒙古自治区来说, 应当提高农业补贴标准。三是以不同农作物的生态服务价值为依据, 探索不同农作物的补贴标准, 使农民在面临土地征收或从事农业种植时, 能够获得更公平、合理的补偿或补贴。


    Abstract: Accounting for the value of farmland ecosystem services serves as the theoretical basis for formulating policies on agricultural ecological protection compensation and ecological damage compensation and is the foundation for promoting the realization of the value of agricultural ecological products. From the interdisciplinary perspective of ecology and economics, this study attempted to integrate ecological accounting with economic accounting, thereby constructing a method to account for the value of farmland ecosystem services. Moreover, we studied the changing characteristics of the value of farmland ecosystem services in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region from 2000 to 2022. The results are as follows: 1) From 2000 to 2022, the average annual value of farmland ecosystem services in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region was 5.21×1011 ¥, equivalent to 79.70% of the average annual regional GDP and 11.02 times the average annual value of provision services. 2) Among the primary indicators, the value of reconciliation services accounted for the largest proportion (38.32 %) of the total value. Social security services ranked second (35.92%). Cultural services, provision services, and negative value accounted for 16.52%, 9.04%, and 0.19%, respectively. 3) Calculating the agricultural subsidy standard based on the amount that farmers should have received, however, did not receive from the total value of farmland ecosystem services, the subsidy standard per hectare of farmland in Inner Mongolia should be 51 293 ¥, which is notably higher than the current government subsidy standard of 2 250 ¥·hm−2. The conclusions of this study imply the following policy implications: First, it is necessary to continuously explore more scientific methods for evaluating the value of farmland ecosystem services to understand the inventory and value of the farmland ecosystem. Second, it is essential to establish and improve farmland ecological protection mechanisms based on value accounting and to scientifically formulate agricultural subsidy standards. In Inner Mongolia, agricultural subsidy standards should be raised. Third, based on the ecological service values of different crops, the subsidy standards for different crops should be explored such that farmers can receive fairer and more reasonable compensation or subsidies when facing land expropriation or engaging in agricultural planting.


