
Isotopic characteristics of precipitation its water vapor sources in Northwest Hebei Province

  • 摘要: 冀西北地区地处我国北方干旱湿润过渡带, 生态系统对降水的敏感性极强, 明确降水的时空分布规律及其来源可为区域农业发展及水资源高效利用提供科技支撑, 然而目前对其大气降水中氢氧稳定同位素的认识仍十分有限。本研究采用数理统计法和同位素示踪法, 对冀西北地区张家口市桥东区、张北县和康保县3个站点开展降水同位素观测, 分析时空分布规律及其环境效应, 并通过后向轨迹追踪法定量分析了本地区的水汽来源。结果表明: 冀西北降水δ2H和δ18O同位素具有明显的季节变化特征, 夏季富集、冬季贫化, δ2H和δ18O的最大值和最小值分别出现在桥东区的6月(−38.7‰和−5.7‰)和张北县的1月(−164.8‰和−21.2‰); 降水中稳定同位素温度效应显著, 但不存在雨量效应; 区域大气降水线为δ2H=7.957δ18O+7.226 (R2=0.96); 水汽输送轨迹显示, 夏季降水水汽主要受东亚季风环流影响, 东亚季风带来的水汽分别占桥东区、张北县和康保县3个站点夏季降水总量的53.53%、55.43%和52.17%, 其他季节主要受西风带水汽以及蒙古大陆性气团控制, 水汽占比达70%以上。本文的结果对于增进区域水循环的认识及水资源的合理优化配置具有重要意义。


    Abstract: The Northwest Hebei Province is located in the arid-humid transition zone in northern China. The ecosystem is highly sensitive to precipitation. Clarifying the spatial and temporal distribution patterns of precipitation and its sources can provide scientific and technological support for regional agricultural development and the efficient utilization of water resources. However, at present, the understanding of the stable isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen in precipitation is still very limited. In this study, based on the precipitation isotope observation data from three stations of Qiaodong, Zhangbei and Kangbao of Zhangjiakou City in the Northwest Hebei Province, we analyzed the temporal and spatial distribution patterns of δ2H, δ18O, and D-excess isotopes in precipitation and their environmental effects by using mathematical and statistical methods. Moreover, the water vapor sources in this region were quantitatively analyzed through the backward trajectory tracking method based on Meteoinfo software. The results revealed that δ2H and δ18O isotopes of precipitation in the Northwest Hebei Province were characterized by obvious seasonal variations, with enriched in summer and depleted in winter. The highest and lowest values of δ2H and δ18O were recorded in June and December, and the highest values were −38.7‰ and −5.7‰, and the lowest values were −164.8‰ and −21.2‰, respectively. Moreover, there was a clear temperature and latitude effect. Spatially, isotope values were depleted but with more variability with increasing latitude, i.e. from Qiaodong, Zhangbei to Kangbao. The sensitivity of precipitation isotopes to temperature increased with the rise of latitude, presenting a significant temperature effect. The local meteoric water line (LMWL) was δ2H=7.957δ18O+7.226 (R2=0.9626). The intercept was lower than that of the global atmospheric precipitation line and increased progressively from Qiaodong (4.884) and Zhangbei (7.842) to Kangbao (8.205), indicating an unobvious characteristic of water vapor evaporation. The results of backward trajectory analysis showed that the sources of water vapor at various stations in the Northwest Hebei Province exhibited similarities. During summer, water vapor from precipitation was mainly influenced by the East Asian monsoon circulation, with vapor contribution rates at Qiaodong, Zhangbei, and Kangbao were 53.53%, 55.43%, and 52.17%, respectively. In other seasons, water vapor was predominantly controlled by the westerly wind belt and Mongolian continental air masses, with contributions exceeding 70%. Notable variations occurred in transport pathway of water vapor, in spring, water vapor primarily derived from northern and western pathways, though the water vapor in Qiaodong District was additionally affected by the southerly flows from the western Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea, accounting for 25.27%. Moreover, in autumn and winter, water vapor predominantly originated from western pathways, controlled by a single westerly air mass, with proportions exceeding 90%. This study contributed to an in-depth understanding of regional water vapor cycling processes.


