
Research progress on rhizosphere remediation of soil pollution

  • 摘要: 土壤污染问题直接影响了农田生态环境安全和人体健康。根际修复作为一种绿色安全、环境友好的生物修复技术, 近年来备受关注。根际微环境具有独特的生物化学和微生物学特性, 因此, 根际修复在土壤污染修复中展现出巨大潜力。在这一过程中, 根系分泌物和根际微生物起到至关重要的作用。鉴于此, 针对根系分泌物和根际微生物对土壤污染的修复作用以及根际微生物对土壤污染响应机制的研究, 对于深入理解土壤污染根际修复具有重要意义。因此, 本文系统阐述了该技术在土壤污染修复领域的最新科研动态及应用现状, 分别从根系分泌物、根表铁膜和根际微生物3个方面对根际修复机理进行了探讨。根系可以通过释放根系分泌物和在根表面形成铁斑块来实现污染物的吸附、固定、降解和转化, 使其成为土壤污染修复过程中不可或缺的自然驱动力。根系分泌物主要通过改变土壤理化性质、调节根际微生物群落结构和促进植物生长来促进污染土壤修复; 根表铁膜由于其独特的结构特征, 可以促进植物对营养元素的吸收, 提高植物抗逆性, 影响污染物的形态转化和迁移; 根际微生物作为根际修复的核心, 可以通过其生理生化作用促进污染物降解、转化和固定; 同时,也可以分泌活性物质来降低污染物的生物有效性, 缓解污染对植物的胁迫, 以此来实现污染土壤的修复。为了更全面地了解根际修复作用机理, 本文深入剖析了根际微生物对污染的响应机制及其影响因素, 随着污染组分的不同, 一些耐性菌株和降解菌数量增多, 根际微生物会形成特殊的群落结构, 以应对污染环境; 而不同植物类型、不同基因型以及不同根系生态位均会对根际微生物群落结构和污染物的吸收富集产生影响, 可以通过添加外源物质、改变植物种植模式和加强电场等调控措施, 强化根际效应, 以提高土壤污染修复效果。同时, 提出为精准评估土壤污染水平与修复效果, 揭示其分子生物学过程, 实现精准修复, 未来研究应更侧重于污染条件下根系分泌物指示物体系的构建, 根际修复微观机理的深入探索, 以及与机器学习等新兴技术的结合, 以期为土壤污染修复研究提供有价值的参考和借鉴。


    Abstract: Soil pollution poses significant challenges to both the ecological safety of agricultural land and human health. In recent years, rhizosphere remediation has emerged as a promising bioremediation technology, characterized by its green, safe, and environmentally friendly. The unique biochemical and microbiological properties of the rhizosphere microenvironment indicate that rhizosphere remediation possesses considerable potential for the remediation of soil pollution. The article offered a comprehensive review of the latest research trends and current applications of rhizosphere remediation technology in the field of soil pollution mitigation. The mechanisms of rhizoremediation were discussed from three distinct perspectives: root exudates, iron plaques on root surfaces, and rhizosphere microorganisms. The root system can achieve the adsorption, fixation, degradation and transformation of pollutants through releasing root exudates and forming iron plaque, making it an indispensable natural driving force in the process of soil pollution remediation. The root exudates can promote the remediation of contaminated soil mainly by altering the physicochemical properties of the soil, regulating the structure of rhizosphere microbial communities, and promoting plant growth. The unique structural characteristics of iron plaques on root surfaces can enhance the absorption of nutrient elements by plants, improve plant stress resistance, and influence the transformation and transport of pollutants. Rhizosphere microorganisms, as the core of fundamental remediation, can promote the degradation, transformation, and fixation of pollutants through their physiological and biochemical effects. Furthermore, they can reduce the bioavailability of pollutants and alleviate the stress on plants by secreting active substances. To understand the mechanism of rhizosphere remediation more comprehensively, the response mechanism of rhizosphere microorganisms to pollution and the factors influencing these responses were analyzed. Depending on the nature of the pollutants, the abundance of tolerant and degrading microbial strains increased, leading to the formation of unique microbial community structures to cope with polluted environments. Additionally, different plant species, genotypes, and root ecological niches can influence the structure of rhizosphere microbial communities as well as the absorption and accumulation of pollutants. It has been proposed that the rhizosphere effect can be enhanced through the introduction of exogenous substances, modification of plant cultivation patterns, and the application of electric fields, thereby improving the effectiveness of soil pollution remediation. At the same time, to accurately evaluate the level of soil pollution and remediation effects, reveal the molecular biological processes involved, and achieve precise remediation, future research should focus more on the construction of a root exudates indicator system under contaminated conditions, the in-depth exploration of the micro-mechanisms of rhizosphere remediation, and the combination with emerging technologies such as machine learning. This article provides a valuable reference and insight for research on soil pollution remediation technologies through a detailed review of the existing studies in this field.


