
Migration, transformation processes, and dominated factors of nitrate nitrogen in the deep vadose zone in the Baiyangdian Watershed

  • 摘要: 白洋淀流域位于华北平原西部, 受地下水过量开采和农业过量施肥的双重影响, 平原区包气带厚度增大, 氮储量增加, 但目前关于流域尺度受地貌类型控制的厚包气带土壤剖面氮素迁移转化过程仍不明确。本文选择白洋淀流域平原农区两个典型的冲洪积扇不同地貌类型的9个深层(0~20 m)土壤剖面, 结合水化学和氯离子平衡分析的方法, 研究不同地貌沉积类型农田厚包气带硝态氮(NO3-N)累积和淋失特征、转化过程及其影响因素。结果表明: 由地貌类型影响的土壤质地决定着包气带土壤NO3-N累积和淋失量的空间差异性分布, 20 m土壤剖面NO3-N累积量变化范围为352.7~3 276.7 kg·hm−2, 根系层以下土壤NO3-N淋失通量变化范围为9.8~252.0 kg·hm−2·a−1, 且从冲洪积扇至湖泊及洼地NO3-N累积量呈增加趋势, 氮淋失量呈降低趋势; 0~20 m土壤剖面上均存在硝化反应, 以砂土为主的冲洪积扇深层土壤硝态氮峰值在硝化和反硝化的共同作用下发生变化, 而在以黏土为主的泛滥平原和湖泊及洼地, 由于土壤有机碳从表层向深层渗透减少, 反硝化反应主要发生在0~10 m包气带。该研究可为白洋淀流域及雄安新区面源污染阻控和水环境保护提供科学支撑。


    Abstract: Excess nitrogen is accumulated in the vadose zone because of the overuse of nitrogen fertilizer. The Baiyangdian Watershed is located in the western part of the North China Plain and has been impacted by overexploitation of groundwater, resulting in decreased groundwater levels and increased vadose zone thickness. However, at a large spatial scale, the mechanism and controlling factors of nitrogen leaching and transformation affected by different geomorphic types and soil texture remain unclear. In this study, we selected 9 deep soil profiles (20 m depth) through two typical alluvial-proluvial fan systems (including the loessal terrace, alluvial-proluvial fan, flood plain, and lake depressions) in the Baiyangdian Watershed to investigate the accumulation, leaching, and transformation processes of nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) via hydrochemical analysis and the chloride ion balance method. Results show: 1) The soil texture within a soil profile, which is influenced by geomorphic types, exhibits spatial heterogeneity. Specifically, the alluvial-proluvial fan is characterized by a sandy texture, while the flood plain exhibits a clayey texture. These differences in soil texture play a crucial role in determining the spatial distribution of NO3-N accumulation and leaching within the vadose zone. The NO3-N accumulation ranges from 352.7 to 3 276.7 kg·hm−2 in the soil profiles from 0 to 20 m, with the maximum accumulation occurring in the lake depressions. Conversely, NO3-N leaching below the root zone ranges from 9.8 to 252.0 kg·hm−2·a−1, with the maximum leaching occurring in alluvial-proluvial fan. The NO3-N accumulation shows increasing trend while NO3-N leaching shows decreasing trend from upstream to downstream in soil profiles controlled by the same geomorphic types. The nitrogen accumulation of orchard (1 544.0–3 133.8 kg·hm−2) is higher than that of vegetables (2 641.6 kg·hm−2) and wheat-maize/wheat-soybean rotation (352.7–3 276.7 kg·hm−2) among different land use types. 2) The transformation of nitrogen in the deep vadose zone of the Baiyangdian Watershed is mainly influenced by crop absorption, nitrification, and denitrification. Nitrification occurred in the entire soil profile. The variation in the peak value in the silty loam soil of the alluvial-proluvial fan area was caused by the joint effect of nitrification and denitrification. However, denitrification occurred mainly in 0–10 m soil layer in the flood plain or lake depressions of clay-textured layers because of the decrease in soil organic carbon from the surface to the deep vadose zone. This research not only advances current research on nitrate migration and transformation from point scale to watershed scale but also provides valuable insights for future investigations on the physical and geochemical processes of nitrogen leaching at a watershed scale. Additionally, this study provides scientific support for the control of agricultural non-point source pollution, protection of the aquatic environment, and integration of land use management in the Baiyangdian Watershed.


