
Non-point source pollution characteristics and potential of alternative fertilizers of livestock and poultry manure in middle route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project water source areas

  • 摘要: 为全面认识南水北调中线工程水源地畜禽养殖污染现状及其对生态环境的潜在影响, 分析畜禽粪便资源替代化肥潜力, 以南水北调中线水源地49个县(市、区)畜禽养殖量及耕地面积数据为基础, 运用畜禽粪便环境风险评价模型, 对2022年各县(市、区)主要畜禽粪便来源结构进行定量分析, 估算畜禽粪便资源养分总量及不同区域和畜禽种类有机肥替代化肥潜力。结果表明: 水源地主要畜禽粪便总量为1 534.024×104 t且分布相对集中, 粪便中化学需氧量(COD)的产生量最大(199.416×104 t), 其次为总氮(TN, 8.600×104 t), 总磷的产生量较少(TP, 1.767×104 t)。18.37%的县(市、区)存在畜禽粪便污染的环境风险, 其中丹凤县处于较严重风险水平, 内乡县和茅箭区处于有风险水平, 邓州市、丹江口市、郧阳区、旬阳市、山阳县和万源市处于稍有风险水平, 其他地区均处于无风险水平。水源地单位耕地面积畜禽粪便耕地负荷量为9.235 t·hm−2, 警报值为0.308, 分级为Ⅰ级, 对环境构成污染的威胁为“无”。水源地畜禽粪便等标污染负荷总量为48.165×1010 m3, 且不同地区的来源结构存在差异; TP是畜禽养殖的首要污染物, 其等标污染负荷占负荷总量的36.69%; 其次为TN, 其等标污染负荷比例为35.71%; COD的等标污染负荷比例最小, 为27.60%。水源地畜禽养殖污染主要来源于猪和牛, 二者对等标污染负荷总量的贡献率分别为47.90%和41.77%。水源地粪肥养分资源总量为21.195×104 t, 理论替代化肥潜力为20.67%。不同畜禽粪便养分资源理论替代化肥潜力分别为牛粪便(8.86%)>猪粪便(6.50%)>家禽粪便(3.05%)>羊粪便(2.26%), 畜禽粪便氮、磷、钾资源理论替代化肥潜力分别为16.77%、6.89%和42.23%。做好潜在风险区畜禽养殖总量管控, 推动不同县域养殖结构调整, 实现畜禽粪便替代化肥的资源化利用, 对促进南水北调中线工程水源地养殖业绿色发展具有重要意义。


    Abstract: In order to fully understand the current situation of livestock and poultry farming pollution and its potential impacts on the ecological environment, the potential of livestock and poultry manure as a substitute for chemical fertilizers was analyzed in the water source area of the middle route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project. The environmental risk assessment model was used to quantitatively analyze the main manure source structure of each county (city, district) in 2022 based on the data of 49 county-level livestock and poultry farming information and cultivated land area. Total nutrient content and alternative potential of livestock and poultry manure of different animal species and in different regions were estimated. The results showed that the total amount of livestock and poultry manure was 1 534.024×104 t, and the distribution was relatively concentrated. The amount of chemical oxygen demand (COD) was the highest (199.416×104 t), followed by total nitrogen (TN, 8.600×104 t), and total phosphorus (TP) was the least (1.767×104 t). 18.37% of the counties (cities, districts) in the water source area had potential environmental risk of pollution from livestock and poultry farming, among which Danfeng County was at relative severe risk; Neixiang County and Maojian District were at risk; Dengzhou City, Danjiangkou City, Yunyang District, Xunyang City, Shanyang County, and Wanyuan City were at a little risk; and the rest were at no risk. The load of animal mnaure per hectare of cultivated land in the water source area was 9.235 t·hm−2, the alarm value was 0.308, and the grade index was Ⅰ. The total equivalent standard pollution load was 48.165×1010 m3. The source structure of pollution was inconsistent in different regions. TP was the primary pollutant in livestock and poultry farming, and its equivalent standard pollution load accounted for 36.69% of the total load, followed by TN with equivalent standard pollution load rate at 35.71%, and COD with the lowest equivalent standard pollution load rate at 27.60%. Pollution from livestock and poultry farming in the water source area mainly originated from pig and cattle, who contributed to 47.90% and 41.77% of the total equivalent standard pollution load, respectively. The total nutrient resources in manure in the water source was 21.195×104 t, and the theoretical potential for fertilizer alternative was 20.67%. According to the theory of nutrient resources for different livestock and poultry manures, the potential of cattle manure, pig manure, poultry manure, and sheep manure to replace chemical fertilizer were 8.86%, 6.50%, 3.05%, and 2.26%. The theoretical potential of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in livestock and poultry manure to replace chemical fertilizer were 16.77%, 6.89%, and 42.23%, respectively. It is of great significance to control the total livestock and poultry farming in potential risk areas, promote structural adjustment in different counties, and realize the resource utilization of livestock and poultry manure instead of fertilizer to promote the green development of breeding industry in middle route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project water source areas.


