
The impact of rice-oilseed rape rotation subsidy on the rapeseed yield of professional grain-farmers: Take Jiangxi Province as an example

  • 摘要: 油菜是我国第一大油料作物, 推广水稻-油菜轮作(稻油轮作)是促进油菜扩面增产、提高食用油自给水平的重要途径。稻油轮作补贴作为政府的关键政策工具, 是否对油菜产量产生激励作用值得深入探讨。本文基于粮油生产核心主体职业粮农的视角, 在理论分析的基础上, 利用江西省303份职业粮农的调研数据, 运用OLS线性回归、分位数回归、有调节的中介效应检验等方法, 探讨稻油轮作补贴对油菜产量的影响及机理。研究表明: 第一, 稻油轮作补贴对油菜产量有促进作用, 补贴金额每提升10%, 油菜产量会增加2.38%。这一结论在稳健性检验及考虑内生性问题后依然成立。第二, 稻油轮作补贴对油菜产量的影响在不同职业粮农中有较大差异, 补贴政策对二熟制轮作模式和稻油轮作规模适中的职业粮农油菜产量的提升作用更显著。第三, 中介效应结果表明, 劳动力农内配置水平在稻油轮作补贴影响油菜产量的路径中发挥部分中介作用, 中介效应贡献了34.88%的权重; 有调节的中介效应结果显示, 社会网络正向调节劳动力农内配置水平与油菜产量之间的关系, 从而提高稻油轮作补贴对油菜产量的促进作用。因此, 各级政府应当优化油菜种植补贴政策, 加强补贴的动态调整, 培育油菜生产的经营主体。


    Abstract: Maintaining the supply and price of important agricultural products is related to the overall situation of national development and security. At present, China’s food ration has achieved absolute safety. However, the self-sufficiency rate of edible vegetable oil has been declining, and there is an urgent need to guarantee a safe supply of edible oil. Rapeseed is an important oil crop in China and has the advantage of not competing with land-based staple foods. Promoting rice-oilseed rape rotation is important for enhancing the self-sufficiency of edible vegetable oils. To stimulate farmers’ willingness to adopt the rice-oilseed rape rotation mode, the Chinese government has formulated a series of subsidy policies that have expanded the area of rice-oilsedd rape rotation; however, studying the incentive effect on rapeseed yield is worthwhile. Based on the perspective of professional grain-farmers, the core subject of rice and rapeseed production, the study theoretically explored the impact of rice-oilseed rape rotation subsidies on rapeseed yields of professional grain-farmers and investigated its mechanism using the research data of 303 professional grain-farmers in Jiangxi Province, and applied OLS linear regression, quantile regression, moderated mediation effect test and other methods to explore the influence and mechanism of rice tanker subsidies on rapeseed yield. This study has the following findings. First, the benchmark regression results showed that the rice-oilseed rape rotation subsidy promoted rapeseed yield. The rapeseed yield increased by 2.38% with every 10% increase in the rice-oilseed rape rotation subsidy. The research conclusions still held after applying the two-stage least squares method and approximating exogenous instrumental variables to address the endogeneity problem. Second, to further analyze the effect of the rice-oilseed rape rotation subsidy on the differences in rapeseed yield under different rotation ripening modes and rotation scales, the samples were divided into different subsamples, and group regression was carried out. The results showed that the rice-oilseed rape rotation subsidy had a more significant effect on the rapeseed yield of the farmers in the two-ripening rotation modes, while it did not significantly affect the farmers in the three-ripening rotation modes. The effect of the rice-oilseed rape rotation subsidy on the rapeseed yield of medium-sized farmers was more significant than that of large and small scale farmers. Third, the mechanism test was conducted by using Bootstrap method and KHB mediating effect decomposition method, and the mediating effect results showed that the level of labor allocation within agriculture played a partial mediating role in the path of rice-oilseed rape rotation subsidy affecting rapeseed yield, with the mediating effect contributing 34.88% of the weight. The results of the moderated mediating effect showed that social networks positively regulated the relationship between the level of labor allocation within agriculture and rapeseed yield, thus improving the promotional effect of the rice-oilseed rape rotation subsidy on rapeseed yield. Therefore, governments at all levels should optimize the subsidy policy for oilseed rape cultivation, strengthen the dynamic adjustment of crop rotation subsidies, and improve the management of rapeseed production.


