
Effect of Kaolin on the photosynthetic and fluorescence characteristics and fruit quality of wine grapes

  • 摘要: 针对新疆天山北麓产区酿酒葡萄果实发育过程中存在的高温频发所引起的问题, 本研究以‘赤霞珠’(Cabernet Sauvignon)、‘梅鹿辄’(Merlot)和‘品丽珠’(Cabernet Franc) 3个红色酿酒葡萄(Vitis vinifera)品种为试材, 于果实膨大期对叶面进行喷施高岭土(6%)处理, 以常规管理为对照(CK), 通过测定叶片光合特性、荧光特性以及果实品质等指标, 对其进行综合分析, 系统探究高岭土对新疆天山北麓产区酿酒葡萄的影响。结果表明: 红色酿酒葡萄品种‘赤霞珠’ ‘梅鹿辄’和‘品丽珠’经高岭土处理后, 叶温比CK分别降低8.9%、8.3%和9.3%; 叶绿素a含量有效增加, 其中‘梅鹿辄’比CK增加52%; 高岭土处理有效提高3个品种的净光合速率。与CK相比, JIP-test参数Vj显著降低, 3个品种的电子传输通量的量子产率(φEo)分别提高58.1%、93.0%和61.1%, 每光子吸收的PSⅡ最终电子受体还原的量子产率(φRo)分别提高87.5%、33.3%和66.6%; 单位反应中心吸收光能(ABS/RC)和单位面积吸收的光能(ABS/CSm)比CK均显著提高, 单位反应中心耗散能量(DIO/RC)和单位面积热耗散能量(DIO/CSm)比CK显著降低。在果实品质方面, 高岭土处理后‘赤霞珠’ ‘梅鹿辄’和‘品丽珠’果皮中类黄酮含量比CK分别提升62.3%、63.9%和54.4%, 总黄酮含量分别提升79.1%、69.1%和56.7%, 黄烷醇含量分别提升48.6%、66.0%和27.2%; 种子中, ‘品丽珠’类黄酮含量提升68.2%, ‘赤霞珠’总黄酮含量提升67.1%。本研究表明, 新疆酿酒葡萄叶面喷施高岭土可以有效降低天山北麓产区‘赤霞珠’ ‘梅鹿辄’和‘品丽珠’这3个红色酿酒葡萄品种的叶温, 减少单位面积叶片的热耗散, 提高光合速率, 提高叶片单位反应中心及单位面积对光能的吸收和利用, 有效避免夏季高温胁迫所造成的危害; 叶面喷施高岭土还有效增加了这3个酿酒葡萄品种的果实总酸和部分酚类物质的含量, 提高了果实品质。


    Abstract: In response to the problems caused by frequent high temperatures during the development of wine grapefruits in the northern piedmont of the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang, this study used three red wine grapes (Vitis vinifera), namely ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ ‘Merlot’ and ‘Cabernet Franc’, as test materials. During the fruit-swelling period, the leaves were sprayed with kaolin (6%), with conventional management as a control (CK). By measuring photosynthetic characteristics, fluorescence characteristics, and fruit quality indicators, a comprehensive analysis was conducted to systematically explore the effect of Kaolin on wine grapes in the northern foothills of the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang. The results showed that after Kaolin treatment, the leaf temperature of the three red wine grapes decreased by 8.9%, 8.3%, and 9.3%, respectively, compared with CK, effectively increasing the content of chlorophyll a. ‘Merlot’ increased by 52% compared to CK. After Kaolin treatment, the net photosynthetic rates of all three varieties improved. For the JIP-test parameters, Vj was significantly reduced compared with CK, and the quantum yields of electron transport flux (φEo) and PSⅡ final electron acceptor reduction per photon (φRo) were significantly increased. The φEo parameters of the three varieties increased by 58.1%, 93.0%, and 61.1% compared with CK, and the φRo parameters increased by 87.5%, 33.3%, and 66.6%, respectively. The absorption of light energy per unit reaction center (ABS/RC) and unit area (ABS/CSm) of the three varieties was significantly increased compared with CK, effectively improving the absorption and utilization of light energy per unit reaction center and unit area. The dissipated energy per unit reaction center (DIO/RC) and unit area (DIO/CSm) were significantly reduced compared with CK, which relatively avoided the harm caused by high-temperature stress. In terms of fruit quality, the flavonoids, flavones, and flavanols in the skins of various grape varieties treated with Kaolin significantly increased. Compared with CK, the flavonoid content in the skins of ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ ‘Merlot’ and ‘Cabernet Franc’ increased by 62.3%, 63.9%, and 54.4%, the flavone content increased by 79.1%, 69.1%, and 56.7%, and the flavanol content increased by 48.6%, 66.0%, and 27.2%, respectively. In the seeds, the flavonoid content of ‘Cabernet Franc’ increased by 68.2%, and the flavone content of ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ increased by 67.1%. This study showed that spraying Kaolin on the leaves of Xinjiang wine grapes can effectively reduce the leaf temperature of three red wine grapes, ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ ‘Merlot’ and ‘Cabernet Franc’ in the northern piedmont of the Tianshan Mountains. This treatment reduces the heat dissipation per unit area of leaves, increases the photosynthetic rate, enhances the absorption and utilization of light energy per unit reaction center and unit area of leaves, and effectively mitigates the damage caused by high-temperature stress in summer. Spraying Kaolin on the leaves also effectively increased the total acid and some phenolic substances in the fruits of these three wine grapes, improving their fruit quality.


