
Optimal nitrogen management approach for green transformation of crop-livestock mode at county level: A case study of Tangxian County

  • 摘要: 种养分离是阻碍农牧生产与环境友好的主要障碍因素, 优化农牧系统养分管理是实现农业绿色发展的主要途径。现阶段农牧业研究多集中于大尺度与单一目标, 针对县域不同环境特点的多目标养分优化管理的研究相对缺乏。本研究以河北省唐县为例, 利用多目标环境分区的方法, 通过农户调研、文献汇总与统计数据, 结合食物链养分流动模型(NUFER), 解析了唐县当前种养模式下农牧系统的环境排放特征, 基于情景分析探究了绿色转型需求下县域种养模式的氮素优化管理途径。结果表明: 1)唐县畜禽粪尿氮资源量较为丰富, 达13 301 t。种养系统整体氮素养分总投入高达35 731 t, 高氮投入使该地区农牧系统氮素环境排放严重超出安全阈值。2)唐县畜禽粪污资源量及氮素环境排放量存在明显的空间异质性, 氨挥发、氮盈余量高的区域主要集中在养殖量较大的乡镇。根据环境排放情况, 将唐县划分为中部低氨高盈余超载区、北部和东部高氨高盈余非超载区和西南部高氨高盈余超载区。3)针对不同区域实行“三步走”氮素优化策略。首先, 采用平衡施肥方式, 可使唐县氨挥发和氮盈余超阈值乡镇数量分别降至65%和35%; 其次, 叠加不同减排技术后, 两个指标超出阈值的乡镇数量分别降至25%和45%; 最后, 利用空间优化布局方法, 最终使全县氨挥发全部降至安全阈值内, 氮盈余超出阈值乡镇数量还剩40%。因此, 通过县域氮素养分分区优化管理, 可高效、低成本地解决农牧生产及环境排放之间的矛盾, 促进县域种养模式的绿色转型。


    Abstract: Separation of crop and livestock is the main obstacle to environmentally friendly agricultural production. Currently, research on crop-livestock production mainly focuses on large-scale and single objective, whereas research on multi-objective nutrient optimization management aimed at different environmental characteristics at county level is relatively lacking. Taking Tangxian County, Hebei Province as an example, this study used the method of multi-objective environmental zoning, collected relevant literature, farmer survey, and statistical data, then used NUtrient flows in Food chains, Environment and Resources use (NUFER) model to analyze the current environmental emission characteristics of the crop-livestock mode in Tangxian County and explore the pathways of nitrogen optimization management under the green transformation of crop-livestock mode at county level. The results showed that: 1) Total nitrogen input was as high as 35 731 t, in which the livestock manure resources were relatively abundant, reaching 13 301 t, but the environmental emissions seriously exceeded the threshold value in Tangxian County. 2) There were significant regional differences in the livestock manure resources and environmental emissions in Tangxian County, which were mainly concentrated in towns with high numbers of livestock. Using multi-objective environmental zoning, Tangxian County was divided into overloading zone with low ammonia and high surplus in the middle, non-overloading zone with high ammonia and high surplus in the north and east, and overloading zone with high ammonia and high surplus in the southwest. 3) A three-step nitrogen optimization strategy was implemented in different regions of Tangxian County to achieve environmentally friendly emissions. First, using balanced fertilization method was adopted, the proportion of towns with excessive ammonia volatilization and nitrogen surplus in Tangxian County decreased to 65% and 35%, respectively. Second, after adding different emission reduction technologies, the proportion of towns with excessive ammonia volatilization and nitrogen surplus in Tangxian County decreased to 25% and 45%, respectively. Finally, the ammonia emissions of the whole county can be reduced to the safety threshold by using the optimization of the spatial planning method, and still 40% of towns with excessive nitrogen surplus. The contradiction between crop-livestock production and environmental emissions can be solved efficiently and at a low cost through the optimal nutrient management and spatial planning, and the green transformation of crop-livestock production at county level can be promoted.


