
Response and adaptation to climate change of agriculture and environment in Northeast China

  • 摘要: 气候变化在东北地区对农业生产和生态环境产生了重要影响。本文总结了东北地区农业生产和生态环境对气候变化的响应, 并从调整农业种植结构、采用农业节水技术措施、实施保护性耕作、采取水土保持措施、加强生态?经济型防护林体系建设等方面分析东北地区对气候变化所采取的应对措施及应对效果。在此基础上, 分析了未来气候变化可能对东北地区农业生产和生态环境造成的影响, 并针对这两个重点领域从调整农业结构和种植制度、选育抗逆性强的品种、调整农业生产管理措施、加强水资源管理、加强生态建设、发展生态经济、综合调控水源和完善监测机制等方面提出了未来应对气候变化的建议。


    Abstract: Because climate change has significantly influenced agriculture and the ecosystem, the response of agriculture and ecological environment to climate change in Northeast China were discussed in this paper. The paper also summarized adaptation mechanisms of agriculture and ecological environment to climate change. Adjustment of agricultural structure, adoption of water-saving agro-technology and conservative tillage practices, conservation of water and soil and construction of eco-economic forests were among the identified adaptation mechanisms. The potential future impacts of climate change were analyzed and related agricultural and ecological adaptation modes advanced. Such future adaptation modes included adjustments of agricultural structures and cropping systems, breeding of stress-resistant varieties, optimization of agricultural management, reinforcement of water resources management and eco-construction, development of eco-economy, and improvement of monitoring systems.


