
Research progress in soil water/salt dynamics and crop growth under saline water irrigation

  • 摘要: 我国淡水资源短缺且分布不均, 供求矛盾突出, 合理开发利用咸水资源、增辟灌溉水源将成为解决水资源危机的重要途径之一。本文从以下几个方面对国内外咸水资源灌溉利用的研究进展进行了综述, 以期为咸水安全灌溉提供指导。(1)咸水灌溉对土壤水盐运移的影响, 主要包括咸水灌溉后不同土层土壤水盐分布规律、不同灌溉水矿化度对土壤水盐运移的影响、灌溉方式对土壤盐分积累的作用; (2)咸水灌溉对作物生长的影响, 主要包括咸水灌溉与作物产量、品质的关系; (3)咸水灌溉对作物生理变化的影响及其作用机理, 主要包括咸水灌溉对植株脯氨酸含量、抗氧化酶活性、丙二醛含量、叶绿素含量及光合作用的影响。


    Abstract: Fresh water resource is scarce and unevenly distributed in China. The use of saline water is therefore an effective way of solving the fresh water shortage. This article summarized the impacts of saline water irrigation on water/salt movement in soil, and on crop growth and changes in crop physiological metabolism. It discussed water/salt distribution in the soil profile, the effect of different degrees of saline water on water/salt movement, and the role of irrigation methods on salt distribution in soil. The paper also epitomized the effects of saline water irrigation on the growth, yield and quality of crops. It further noted effects of saline water irrigation on physiological metabolism; including the changes in praline content, antioxidant enzyme activities, malondialdehyde content, chlorophyll content and photosynthesis.


