
Analysis of forest reservation modes and development countermeasures

  • 摘要: 封山育林能快速、经济地恢复和增加林草植被, 形成的植被群落稳定, 是深远山区生态建设的重要途径。河北省在生态环境建设中, 实施封山育林, 在充分利用自然环境自我修复能力的同时, 采取必要的人工促进措施, 加快封山育林成林速度, 提高封山育林质量, 促进山区生态产业发展。本文总结提出了河北省封山育林中应用的自然封育、飞封结合、封造结合、封改结合、封保结合等主要山区生态建设模式, 并分析了封山育林效益和存在的主要问题, 提出了增加投入、落实政策等加快封山育林的对策措施。


    Abstract: Forest reservation in mountain areas is an effective and economic way of restoring vegetation and rapid formation of stable community. In Hebei Province environmental construction, full use was made of self-rejuvenating capability of natural environments. This, in combination with artificial measures, results in speedy establishment of high quality forests and improvement of ecological industries of mountain areas. This paper summarizes the successful patterns of forest reservation in Hebei Province. Patterns such as mountain closure, combined aerial planting and mountain closure, combined forest culture and mountain closure, combined existing forest transformation and mountain closure and combined natural forest protection and mountain closure accelerate forest reservation in the province. The benefits and demerits of forest reservation are discussed and countermeasures such as increased investment and policy performance suggested.


