
Application of rural household survey to returned cropland to forest or grassland project—A case study of Huangfuchuan Watershed

  • 摘要: 以皇甫川流域农户调查为例,探讨了农户调查方法在退耕还林(草)工程研究中的应用问题。农户调查因其数据获取直接、时效性强、反映问题全面等特点,可用于农户生产生活受工程影响及其相互作用等研究,并为相关政策的制定提供参考。研究表明:农户对退耕还林(草)工程普遍持赞成态度,但一些农户反对禁牧和圈养舍饲。影响农户对退耕还林(草)工程态度的主要因素是农户的年龄、家庭人数以及退耕所能带来的收益;影响农户对圈养舍饲态度的主要因素是畜牧业收入;农户受教育程度越高,人均纯收入越高,但耕地面积、种植业和畜牧业比例越大,人均纯收入反而越少,表现出当地传统农牧业典型的“不可持续性”,并与生态系统的不可持续性交互作用,形成了生态-经济的恶性循环。如何进一步发挥退耕还林工程的作用,促进生态和经济的可持续性,值得进一步探讨。


    Abstract: Rural household survey characterized as a direct, up-to-date data gathering,and holistic problem meeting can be used to investigate engineering effects on rural household in production and livelihood. This method was applied to returned cropland to forest or grassland project in this study. A case study based on data from rural household survey in Huangfuchuan Watershed shows that most farmers agree to return cropland to forest or grassland, while some of them resent against grazing prohibition and feeding confinement. The age of the peasants, peasant family size and derived income from the project greatly influence the overall attitude of the peasants towards the project, while income earned from animal husbandry is the main factor influencing peasant attitude towards feeding confinements. While correlation analysis shows that educational status is the main factor influencing peasant family income, cropland area and crop and animal produce are inversely proportional to peasant per-capita net income. Hence unsustainable mode of production coupled with unsustainable environmental conditions leads to vicious circle of eco-economy. It is therefore prudent to develop countermeasures to the unsustainable economic growth by efficiently utilizing the project and encouraging peasants to return cropland to forest or grassland.


