
The effect of rice plant traits on methane emissions from paddy fields: A review

  • 摘要: 水稻是我国最主要的口粮作物,稻田是重要温室气体甲烷的主要排放源之一。水稻植株特性既是水稻产量形成的关键因子,也是稻田甲烷排放的主要影响因子。但是,至今关于水稻植株对稻田甲烷排放的调控效应及其机制仍存在许多不一致的认识。为此,本文从形态特征、生理生态特征、植株-环境互作等方面,对现有的相关研究进行了综合论述。水稻地上部形态特征如分蘖数、株高、叶面积等对稻田甲烷排放的影响的研究结果不尽相同,起关键作用的是地下系统。优化光合产物分配在持续淹水的情况下可以减少稻田甲烷排放。提高水稻生物量在低碳土壤增加稻田甲烷排放,但在高碳土壤下降低甲烷排放。本文还明确了相关研究现状和存在的问题。在此基础上,作者认为未来应加强水稻根系形态及其生理特征,以及水稻植株-土壤环境(尤其是水分管理和养分管理)互作对稻田甲烷产生、氧化和排放影响的研究,在方法上应加强微区试验和大田试验的结合,并开展植株和稻田的碳氮互作效应及其机制研究,为高产低碳排放的水稻品种选育和低碳稻作模式创新提供理论参考和技术指导。


    Abstract: Rice is the most important stable food in China and rice paddies constitute a major source of methane (CH4) emission. Rice plant traits not only play an important role in rice yield, but also significantly affect CH4 emission from paddy fields. However, there have been wide gaps in the understanding of the effects of rice plant traits on CH4 emissions from paddy fields. Thus research status and progress on the impact of rice plant on CH4 emissions were reviewed in terms of plant morphological and physiological characteristics (especially photosynthetic characteristics), plant-environment interactions, etc. The effects of aboveground plant traits (e.g. tiller, plant height and leaf area) on CH4 emissions from paddy fields have remained inconclusive. The belowground system plays a key role in CH4 emission. Optimizing photosynthate allocation can reduce CH4 emission in continuously flooded paddy fields. High biomass rice plants can increase CH4 emission in low C paddy soils, but reduce CH4 emission in high C paddy soils. Based on the summary of the effects and the underlying mechanisms reported in existing studies, further efforts were needed, such as assessment of the effects of root morphological and physiological characteristics and plant-environment interactions on CH4 production, oxidation and emission. There was also the need to pay more attention on the underlying mechanisms that combines microcosmic and field experiments and other new research methods. Meanwhile, the interaction and underlying mechanisms of carbon and nitrogen in plant-soil systems needed further exploration in future studies. A good understanding of the impact of rice plants on CH4 emissions can provide the theoretical basis for rice cultivar breeding and innovative rice cropping with less greenhouse gas emissions and high yields.


